Sometimes life leads us into the most peculiar places. That’s what has been happening to me recently. 

Some teachers refer to my experiences of late as the Dark Night of the Soul.

Well… Now I can say I understand fully what is meant by that phrase.

In this moment in time, I can say that with the help of angels, my own Spirit and God’s divine love I just might make it. (BTW…Angels come in many forms—divine or earthbound souls. We only need to be observant.)

What I really want now is to figure out how I can help others in need.

Whether it’s through Reiki, crystal (pure light energy) or Matrix Reconnection healing, my heart has been opened to the heartache of others.

The sensation of having an open heart has helped me in forgiving some folk when they were expressing their anger. (Directed in a ‘general’ direction, but I caught the fallout.) Those experiences have taught me patience and compassion.

Those are two attributes felt on the emotional level guide a Healer’s Spirit. (Take a moment to watch the Wounded Healer video: )

God sends tidbits of wisdom to us all the time. That video is one tidbit of information that has helped my through my own recent troubles.

So I’m getting back on track with my life and I’m open to the joys of abundance, love and healing.

Thank God for that. ;o) Prayer is one way to transcend our troubles. Don’t be bashful. Talk to God in your own personal way. The action will transform your life.
When you finish remember to express heartfelt gratitude.

Blessings Always. May Abundance greet You with an ocean wide smile.

~ Paula
Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC

Info: Caroline Myss, author of Defy Gravity explains about navigating the Dark Night of the Soul. Chapter Four is very illuminating.

I just found this. Inspiring...

The purpose of this post is to give Readers a simple reminder. Please use, pass along and live in the moment. ;o)

~ Paula

Recently, I found this quote online:

The question was posed; Why do Angels cry?

Angel tears bless, heal and welcome. They cry in rejoicing when a child is born. Their tears heal the broken hearted, the sickness in our world and the tragedies we endure on our life journey. When the time comes for us to go on they greet and guide us. At that time the tears of homecoming are a blessing.

~ Aithne Jarretta

So there I sat in Panera's with tears in my eyes absolutely astounded. It had been months since those words were written. Little did I know that one day they would make me stop and ponder the wonder of all.

For you see...

I have recently been going through some personal things and was in need of higher inspiration. So I laughed and asked, "Where does this come from?"

The laughter wasn't meant to be disrespectful. So many people say "Follow your heart." And sometimes I wonder how that is done. (remember I don't claim to never make mistakes)

So here I am following my heart and opening it in the process.

No, I don't have disrespect for Aithne's words because (very few people know) I AM Aithne Jarretta, Paranormal Romance Author and I answered that interview question from the depths of my heart and soul.

It just took me months to reaquaint my Self to myself.

I believe the angels are laughing now.

~ Paula
Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC