So I will admit up front to all my new readers.
This is a first for me. Posting from this perspective. I mean, usually my presence online has always been as a paranormal romance author.
But not on this page.
Here, I will give you my other persona—
A mom.
Grandma (Nana)
Reiki Master
Minister of Healing (Ordained Minister)
Trump Network Marketer (focusing on women’s health)
The main issues of this blog will be on Natural/Alternative Healing modalities. You will find links to other blogs and commentary written by me. Some posts will tell you what has worked for me and potential benefits for you.
There will be a place for you to send Reiki Healing Requests. And soon I will add a place where you can post Prayer Requests.
Thank you for taking the time to read this first post. Come watch us grow. ;o)

I pass through the lives of many, silent and frequently unnoticed.
I don't mind.
In fact, my shyness may be overwhelming when faced with someone noticing my presence. As a youngster I wondered about this. But as I grew into adulthood I began to realize it was perfectly fine.
Life shifted and changed around me constantly. I began to see myself as someone that was transient.
Funny when you know I lived in the same area of my birth for most of my life. (I've only been in FL for 6 years.)
The last several years have been involved with deepening my spiritual beliefs through study and meditation. Naturally the Law of Attraction brushed the edges of my journey. I absorbed and learned while contemplating its effect on those around me.
The people drawn into my life... A while back a Healer ask me what I could've done to attract an angry and bitter person into my life's path. The words came forth without conscious thought. "The Spirit Healer in me attracts those seeking healing. Maybe they don't know that's what they are after, but it is."
The words stunned me for a moment. Then the enormity of what I said hit me. The Power of Spirit filled me, yet I was humbled by the thought of such a task.
An act of Kindness to an angry person isn't weakness. Instead it is truly an act of Service to the Healing of our World. And 'tis a big world indeed.
Thank You for reading.
Blessings & Love to All.
Paula, Minister of Healing; Earthly Energetics
[note: First published on my Crystal Healing page...reposted here for sharing so that you won't have to 'join' a ning just to read.]