So when the voice of my Muse says “Touch your own soul.” My first reaction is sudden stillness. Then I ask “How do we do that?”
Each day we spend our life in hectic moments scrambling and juggling family, careers and those annoying situations like car problems, etc. In the midst of all this how do we ‘touch our own soul?’
Is it selfish to take moments of stillness with yourself?
No. The best way to give your family members and job the attention they require in order to thrive is that you take excellent care of yourself. I admit it took me many years to finally acknowledge this. ;o)
During those moments of self reflection when you spend time with yourself indulge in the gifts of love and gratitude.
They are awesome magnets set in place by the Divine to assist and teach us.
Feelings of love and gratitude bring more of the same into your life. This equals abundance in all phases of your life. More of the good things you seek.
These moments also bring you closer to your soul. Our souls know Love and Gratitude on a level of purity beyond the human mind.
So take a breather and do what sets you free. Take pictures. Enjoy a peaceful walk in nature. Pet your cat or dog. Explore new craft projects. Or meditate quietly. You get the idea.
Here’s my angle:
When you are in the midst of your chosen activity or meditative stillness tap the center of your forehead and plant the memory within your mind. Say ‘Thank you’ to the Creator and Your soul for the experience. Then focus and feel a loving hug around your heart.
The combined action allows you to touch your soul.
Is it worth it? Absolutely. The loving feelings you will experience send positive vibrations out to the Universe. They will come back to you multiplied.
You can find these teachings in many places online or at your local library. That’s okay. Dr. Michael B. Beckwith (The Secret & other great places) tells us, “Remember to remember.”
Each time you read these words of wisdom as presented here on my humble blog the Universe is sending the message for you to pause, be mindful of your thoughts and remember the Love and Gratitude that surrounds you.
Blessings Always. May Abundance greet You with an ocean wide smile.
Minister of Healing
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