I will be perfectly honest. For a very long time I didn’t/wouldn’t ask. Yup. You read that right.
Somewhere along my life’s journey I lost touch with that deeper part of myself. Do I blame it on low self-esteem or childhood up bringing?
No. I prefer to admit that I lost touch with my inner healer and on a subconscious level knew that if I did ‘ask’ then I’d have to be responsible and respond to the call.
I allowed my life to get in the way of participating in my soul’s journey. During which time I became a lost soul.
In 1999 I met my first Reiki teacher. It turns out that Tom has the hands of an angel. His gentle and giving spirit inspired me to move back to my healer self. Even after 10 years I can still remember the look on his face when I admitted that I never asked for anything. (Divine or otherwise) Needless to say, he was shocked.
And I came away from that conversation wondering just why it was that I had stopped asking. More years passed while I went through some life changes. (marriage, geographical, and illness<--more about this later)
Eventually, after much turmoil, I started asking the Divine for little things. Some answers weren’t surprising. Others…yowza!
So each day I began the relearning process. During this time I self-created many circumstances that would eventually lead me here to this moment. There has been a lot of study and some interaction with people the Universe sent my way.
And here’s something that I’ve learned…
There’s a twist on this sacred concept of asking the Divine for what we need.
When we don’t ask, we give our power of creation over to those around us that do their asking.
Stop and reread that.
Isn’t the power of personal creation important in that wonderful life we ALL want? Everything comes from our connection between our soul and its Creator.
Starting today, don’t abdicate the right to choose and create—Ask and it shall be given. The door is there. Open it.
~ Paula
Minister of Healing
Note: Related Reading:
The Secret
Personal Power Through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People (Book II of the Earth Life Series)