Henry David Thoreau
Walden Pond at sunset.
Walden Pond at sunset.
How does Henry David Thoreau end up on a blog that shares information about Achievement, Success and Wellness?
Good question. I just happen to agree with him on many of his thoughts. That’s because he comes through the ages as being one of America’s greatest authors and has a spiritual foundation to many of his writings.
From this humble author/healer’s perspective he is ‘right on’ in the above quote.
On a personal level how do you affect the ‘quality of the day?’ Do you give a passing stranger a warm smile? A kind word to a saddened friend? A hug to a family member struggling with today’s chaotic life?
I hope so.
Do we really think that such small actions can affect the quality of the day to such an extent that it can improve the world around us? Years of study teaches me this is not only possible, but in fact is one of the ‘highest arts.’
Thank you, Mr. Thoreau for sharing your wisdom with such a generous heart. You guide others in a path of giving and sharing down through the ages—into modern times.
Back to Achievement, Success & Wellness. During my years of study I’ve explored healing modalities with voracious intent. Eventually, I wanted to be able to share what I’ve had the opportunity to learn.
This blog will grow over time as I give you tidbits of wisdom I’ve learned, experimented with and seen actual visual results with.
Today’s post is about bringing to your attention that with one thought and active intention you actually can have an affect on the world around you.
Tip #1:
Live in the Present Moment.
So simple. We’ve all seen this one before. My angle? Close your eyes and focus inward. Take a deep breath and feel every little nuance of that movement. All in? Now release slowly. Think nothing. Feel only your inner energy. Now use that little trick I taught you in my ‘Touch Your Own Soul’ post [here...] – tap your third eye to put the memory into your soul and energy.
Through the rest of your day stay focused on the present moment. That means no letting those pesky worries, past petty arguments or future hassles into your energy system.
These simple actions will have a profound transformation on your world.
Instead, if you are having lunch with a friend be sure to listen fully with an open heart. If your day includes time spent with your children--use it well. Give them the extra time that lets them know they are important.
Tip #2:
Create the relationships around you.
This is a biggy! Do you realize we are all telepathic creatures? Yup. You read that right. If you’re seeing this for the first time pause and think about the premise behind the blockbuster hit THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne.
“Thoughts become things.” We are in telepathic communication with the Universe—every moment and every thought.
“Thoughts become things.” We are in telepathic communication with the Universe—every moment and every thought.
Those thoughts that skim through our brain often come in image form. So our thoughts become images.
If you want to change the relationships around you—change the images in your mind. See yourself differently (successful, healthy, wealthy, etc) and the Universe will manifest that way.
If you really want to affect the world, change the image you hold of someone else. ;o) Is there someone you are angry with? Shift that energy to a more positive and forgiving image. The Universe will follow. Tensions and angry will melt away.
Tip #3:
Be open to what the Universe has to offer you.
How does this affect the quality of your day? Simple.
Your open heart and mind gives you more opportunities to improve your day. Don’t believe? After that quiet ‘in the moment’ exercise in tip #1 remain motionless and calm. Then ask the Universe a question. One that is important to you. Now go about your day staying in the moment, noticing everything around you while keeping your mind free. Given time the Universe will answer your question. You just need to be open and expect (believe) an answer will come to you.
‘Tis a art of the highest caliber to be in touch with your soul and the broad Universe. Practice these simple tips and they will heal you and by extension those folk around you.
Blessings Always. May Abundance greet You with an ocean wide smile.
Minister of Healing

Blessings Always. May Abundance greet You with an ocean wide smile.
Minister of Healing
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