During these busy days take a moment to stop, breathe deeply and relish the Spirit of this time of year.

These moments are important to your spiritual wellbeing.

When you are well, you spread your energy out to those folks you encounter.

Blessings flow like a river of love and abundance.

Be Well, my Friends.

~ Rev. Paula
We’ve all seen it… Ask and ye shall receive.

I will be perfectly honest. For a very long time I didn’t/wouldn’t ask. Yup. You read that right.

Somewhere along my life’s journey I lost touch with that deeper part of myself. Do I blame it on low self-esteem or childhood up bringing?

No. I prefer to admit that I lost touch with my inner healer and on a subconscious level knew that if I did ‘ask’ then I’d have to be responsible and respond to the call.

I allowed my life to get in the way of participating in my soul’s journey. During which time I became a lost soul.

In 1999 I met my first Reiki teacher. It turns out that Tom has the hands of an angel. His gentle and giving spirit inspired me to move back to my healer self. Even after 10 years I can still remember the look on his face when I admitted that I never asked for anything. (Divine or otherwise) Needless to say, he was shocked.

And I came away from that conversation wondering just why it was that I had stopped asking. More years passed while I went through some life changes. (marriage, geographical, and illness<--more about this later)

Eventually, after much turmoil, I started asking the Divine for little things. Some answers weren’t surprising. Others…yowza!

So each day I began the relearning process. During this time I self-created many circumstances that would eventually lead me here to this moment. There has been a lot of study and some interaction with people the Universe sent my way.

And here’s something that I’ve learned…

There’s a twist on this sacred concept of asking the Divine for what we need.

When we don’t ask, we give our power of creation over to those around us that do their asking.

Stop and reread that.

Isn’t the power of personal creation important in that wonderful life we ALL want? Everything comes from our connection between our soul and its Creator.

Starting today, don’t abdicate the right to choose and create—Ask and it shall be given. The door is there. Open it.

~ Paula
Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC

Note: Related Reading:
The Secret

Personal Power Through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People (Book II of the Earth Life Series)

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"To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts."

How does Henry David Thoreau end up on a blog that shares information about Achievement, Success and Wellness?

Good question. I just happen to agree with him on many of his thoughts. That’s because he comes through the ages as being one of America’s greatest authors and has a spiritual foundation to many of his writings.

From this humble author/healer’s perspective he is ‘right on’ in the above quote.

On a personal level how do you affect the ‘quality of the day?’ Do you give a passing stranger a warm smile? A kind word to a saddened friend? A hug to a family member struggling with today’s chaotic life?

I hope so.

Do we really think that such small actions can affect the quality of the day to such an extent that it can improve the world around us? Years of study teaches me this is not only possible, but in fact is one of the ‘highest arts.’

Thank you, Mr. Thoreau for sharing your wisdom with such a generous heart. You guide others in a path of giving and sharing down through the ages—into modern times.
Back to Achievement, Success & Wellness. During my years of study I’ve explored healing modalities with voracious intent. Eventually, I wanted to be able to share what I’ve had the opportunity to learn.

This blog will grow over time as I give you tidbits of wisdom I’ve learned, experimented with and seen actual visual results with.

Today’s post is about bringing to your attention that with one thought and active intention you actually can have an affect on the world around you.

Tip #1:

Live in the Present Moment.

So simple. We’ve all seen this one before. My angle? Close your eyes and focus inward. Take a deep breath and feel every little nuance of that movement. All in? Now release slowly. Think nothing. Feel only your inner energy. Now use that little trick I taught you in my ‘Touch Your Own Soul’ post [here...] – tap your third eye to put the memory into your soul and energy.

Through the rest of your day stay focused on the present moment. That means no letting those pesky worries, past petty arguments or future hassles into your energy system.

These simple actions will have a profound transformation on your world.

Instead, if you are having lunch with a friend be sure to listen fully with an open heart. If your day includes time spent with your children--use it well. Give them the extra time that lets them know they are important.

Tip #2:

Create the relationships around you.

This is a biggy! Do you realize we are all telepathic creatures? Yup. You read that right. If you’re seeing this for the first time pause and think about the premise behind the blockbuster hit THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne.
“Thoughts become things.” We are in telepathic communication with the Universe—every moment and every thought.

Those thoughts that skim through our brain often come in image form. So our thoughts become images.

If you want to change the relationships around you—change the images in your mind. See yourself differently (successful, healthy, wealthy, etc) and the Universe will manifest that way.

If you really want to affect the world, change the image you hold of someone else. ;o) Is there someone you are angry with? Shift that energy to a more positive and forgiving image. The Universe will follow. Tensions and angry will melt away.

Tip #3:

Be open to what the Universe has to offer you.

How does this affect the quality of your day? Simple.

Your open heart and mind gives you more opportunities to improve your day. Don’t believe? After that quiet ‘in the moment’ exercise in tip #1 remain motionless and calm. Then ask the Universe a question. One that is important to you. Now go about your day staying in the moment, noticing everything around you while keeping your mind free. Given time the Universe will answer your question. You just need to be open and expect (believe) an answer will come to you.

‘Tis a art of the highest caliber to be in touch with your soul and the broad Universe. Practice these simple tips and they will heal you and by extension those folk around you.

Blessings Always. May Abundance greet You with an ocean wide smile.

Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC

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My response to the latest controversy that the Catholic Church has banned Reiki from their hospitals.

They have also declared Reiki inappropriate for their church members to use in the privacy of their lives. How sad. God please forgive them—they know not what they do.

Posted at Beth English’s Boston Globe article [here]

My response:

Using Reiki to assist someone to heal is an awesome and frequently misunderstood modality. It is a sad day that the Catholic church can't move forward and come to understand this.

They have created harm for those members of their faith who will no longer seek Reiki to assist them.

Just a note for those who do not know: Reiki doesn't come from the person sharing this energy. The healing comes from God/Universe. The laying on of hands is just the 'messenger.' Don't shoot. (or burn)

One comment in this article:

McManus adds... (interviewer) Has he ever experienced reiki? “No,’’ he (McManus) says with a chuckle. “I take two aspirin and call the doctor.’’

Amusing! Aspirin makes me bleed. (internally) And yes. The doctors know this. So while McManus is helped with that simple white tablet --

I choose Reiki!~

Blessings Always. May Abundance greet You with an ocean wide smile.

Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC

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It’s true I have been a way for awhile. ;o)

That’s because I was blessed with a visit from my first born son Bryan and his wonderful family.

The last few days have given me new insights to the multi-dimensional connection of families. In several places across the Internet you will have seen me requesting prayers for Baby Chace during the last year.

As a first time Grandmother I was unable to be with my grandson during his times of medical trials. *sigh* Eleven hundred earthly miles separate us.

Each time Chace had to face getting new casts on his little legs I prayed and sent him intense Reiki. Several friends joined in. Then came the necessary surgery because casts and braces failed to straighten his growing feet and legs. I admit I cried when I heard he had steel rods inserted through both of his feet.

More intense Reiki and prayers. So much support from giving Friends.

But… Someone told me that when he finally arrived in Florida Baby Chace wouldn’t know me or may even possibly scream every time he was around me. She was being kind—her words of warning were meant to prepare me.

They arrived on an afternoon Florida sunbeam.

When I opened the door to Bryan’s tall stature standing protectively over his family my heart felt the warmth of mother’s love. Then my gaze dropped to Amanda and Chace.

She was a bit nervous and looked a little tired. (1100 miles can do that) “Do you want to hold your grandson?”

I trembled and looked into his beautiful eyes. Recognition sparked within those dark depths. Chace made a happy sound, smiled behind his binky and nearly jumped into my arms.

Grandma’s first hug.

He’s such a strong little guy. The experiences of his first year of life will only make him more so. His feet braces are blue and pretty much go unnoticed by most people.

His helmet (head is slightly misshaped in the back but will improve) garners attention from many folks that see him. Most show friendship to Chace, others may avoid him because they don’t understand.

Through it all he has the true spirit of an earth angel. ;o)

So today I wish to Thank our wonderful Creator God for sending Chace as a blessing to all who surround him. His loving nature and gentleness is a wondrous wrapper for his strong spirit.

Have a Blessed and Safe journey home my dear family. Mom/Grandma Loves you. ;o)

~ Paula

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There are many ways to send your migraine away. Meditation, energy exercises and even the old standby--drugs. Ugh!

Personally the last choice (OTC drugs) have led me astray from m best health potential. That's why I started on a more natural path.

This little video actually has helped me several times. I think it's because the movement balances my left and right brain.

Give it a try and see what you think. ;o)

Thank you for stopping by. Eventually I will share more tricks with you. However when i post a video I prefer to keep the focus on the presentation within the video.

Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC

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My friend Ametrine over at The Crystal Healing ning sent this video to me. Of course it's on YouTube, but I wanted to share it here.

Creative Nature is purely awesome. ;o)


Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC

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Sometimes the muse strikes at the strangest moments. When this happens it’s necessary to pay attention.

So when the voice of my Muse says “Touch your own soul.” My first reaction is sudden stillness. Then I ask “How do we do that?”

Each day we spend our life in hectic moments scrambling and juggling family, careers and those annoying situations like car problems, etc. In the midst of all this how do we ‘touch our own soul?’

Is it selfish to take moments of stillness with yourself?

No. The best way to give your family members and job the attention they require in order to thrive is that you take excellent care of yourself. I admit it took me many years to finally acknowledge this. ;o)

During those moments of self reflection when you spend time with yourself indulge in the gifts of love and gratitude.


They are awesome magnets set in place by the Divine to assist and teach us.

Feelings of love and gratitude bring more of the same into your life. This equals abundance in all phases of your life. More of the good things you seek.

These moments also bring you closer to your soul. Our souls know Love and Gratitude on a level of purity beyond the human mind.

So take a breather and do what sets you free. Take pictures. Enjoy a peaceful walk in nature. Pet your cat or dog. Explore new craft projects. Or meditate quietly. You get the idea.

Here’s my angle:

When you are in the midst of your chosen activity or meditative stillness tap the center of your forehead and plant the memory within your mind. Say ‘Thank you’ to the Creator and Your soul for the experience. Then focus and feel a loving hug around your heart.

The combined action allows you to touch your soul.

Is it worth it? Absolutely. The loving feelings you will experience send positive vibrations out to the Universe. They will come back to you multiplied.

You can find these teachings in many places online or at your local library. That’s okay. Dr. Michael B. Beckwith (The Secret & other great places) tells us, “Remember to remember.”

Each time you read these words of wisdom as presented here on my humble blog the Universe is sending the message for you to pause, be mindful of your thoughts and remember the Love and Gratitude that surrounds you.

Blessings Always. May Abundance greet You with an ocean wide smile.

Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC

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Joe Vitale has built a reputation of attracting what you want from the Universe by beginning within yourself. The interview behind the first tab above intrigued me. I will elaborate, but first I want to mention that it will be available here on this site only until August 22nd.

The art of attracting from Vitale’s point of view begins by changing the questions you ask the Universe. He goes on to explain once you understand the negative aspects of your previous questions and flip them to a more positive query, then your answers will come to you sooner and with much more clarity.

Several times I have experienced this and I must say that it has worked to my benefit. Sometimes this happens with ease—other times it may take awhile to materialize my answers.

That’s my biggest question. If time is not a factor for the Universe, then what about those questions and actions that appear to fall by the wayside because so much time has passed since the initial question was invoked?

Should we just forget about them?

Be faithful to yourself. An act of faith means stepping forward even when we don’t know the outcome of our actions. This can frequently be difficult. At least it is for me. So, in the waiting period, we seek more answers and learn new questions.

That is if we aren’t stuck on old thought forms and questions. You know what I mean… The voice in your head that tells you that you aren’t supposed to succeed, be abundant or deserve the love of your life. There’s no space here in this short article for any negativity.

Sweep it away out the door—not under the rug. Perhaps you prefer to burn your negative thoughts and questions in cleansing flames. Whatever works for you—just do it.

Vitale would call such actions clearing away old belief systems. I say ‘well said.’

The only way you can change the questions you ask the Universe is to clean your inner house. (Heart/Mind/Spirit/Soul) No one ever really gives a specific manner in which this can be accomplished.

I think that’s because it must be individualized by the person themselves. (Hey, it’s that whole going within—no one else can do it for you.)

Don’t panic. This is a good thing. Clearing the things out of your life that no longer serve you is extremely liberating. You will gain a new freedom and open the places in your heart and mind to allow the new growth to come in.

It’s like hanging a ‘Welcome’ sign. The Universe will step in and give you so much more.

So take a little time and click through to Joe Vitale’s interview presented by Bill Harris. Delve into their questions and rearrange yours. What have you got to lose? Nothing but a bit of time—something not relevant to the Universe’s scheme of things.

But here’s the important thing—while you’re in there you might even pick up a few pointers about sharing what you know with the world. Go for it.

Blessings Always. May Abundance greet you with an ocean wide smile.

Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC

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Be sure to click through the tabs above this posting area. You will discover FREE ebooks that I've read and enjoyed.

Please note that I do not own the copyrights to these works and don't claim them as my own. Each document has been left in its original format with all author and publisher notices in place.

I find they are packed with good information worth sharing.

That's why I am passing them on to you. They won't always be there because the tab aspect of this page will be on an ever changing wheel of spiritual concepts.

Blessings to All...

Minister of Healing
Universal Life Church  ULC

So I will admit up front to all my new readers.

This is a first for me. Posting from this perspective. I mean, usually my presence online has always been as a paranormal romance author.

But not on this page.

Here, I will give you my other persona—

A mom.

Grandma (Nana)

Reiki Master

Minister of Healing (Ordained Minister)

Trump Network Marketer (focusing on women’s health)

The main issues of this blog will be on Natural/Alternative Healing modalities. You will find links to other blogs and commentary written by me. Some posts will tell you what has worked for me and potential benefits for you.

There will be a place for you to send Reiki Healing Requests. And soon I will add a place where you can post Prayer Requests.

Thank you for taking the time to read this first post. Come watch us grow. ;o)

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I pass through the lives of many, silent and frequently unnoticed.
I don't mind.

In fact, my shyness may be overwhelming when faced with someone noticing my presence. As a youngster I wondered about this. But as I grew into adulthood I began to realize it was perfectly fine.

Life shifted and changed around me constantly. I began to see myself as someone that was transient.

Funny when you know I lived in the same area of my birth for most of my life. (I've only been in FL for 6 years.)

The last several years have been involved with deepening my spiritual beliefs through study and meditation. Naturally the Law of Attraction brushed the edges of my journey. I absorbed and learned while contemplating its effect on those around me.

The people drawn into my life... A while back a Healer ask me what I could've done to attract an angry and bitter person into my life's path. The words came forth without conscious thought. "The Spirit Healer in me attracts those seeking healing. Maybe they don't know that's what they are after, but it is."

The words stunned me for a moment. Then the enormity of what I said hit me. The Power of Spirit filled me, yet I was humbled by the thought of such a task.

"Blessed are the Peace Makers..."

An act of Kindness to an angry person isn't weakness. Instead it is truly an act of Service to the Healing of our World. And 'tis a big world indeed.

Thank You for reading.

Blessings & Love to All.
Paula, Minister of Healing; Earthly Energetics
[note: First published on my Crystal Healing page...reposted here for sharing so that you won't have to 'join' a ning just to read.]

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